Mix & Match PDF Pattern- How it works
I LOVE making patterns! I have been drafting patterns for over 10 years now and still enjoy every bit of the process. But I understand that pattern making is not something everyone enjoys and at times can be very tedious process. And that is why, I started offering PDF block patterns for designers to save time and hassle.
And now, I am super excited to launch this new feature, Mix & Match. This is first time ever in the sewing pattern world. It aims to make designing process quick, easy and super fun!
It’s my very own PDF sewing pattern collection, especially designed to accommodate all kinds of garment silhouettes. That you can mix & match to design your own clothes!
Choose a torso/silhouette, add sleeves, add skirt or pants and viola! You have your design ready :)

Choose Torso/Silhouette
Start with choosing a bodice pattern first. To help you with mix and match patterns, you can sketch out your design or look online for design inspiration. Once you have your design concept finalized, you can pick the required silhouette. I'll be adding new patterns every week, you can subscribe to my website for new pattern updates!
Add Sleeves
Select sleeves from the available sleeve patterns. Make sure the sleeve color code match with the color code for torso pattern. You can find more details on color codes here.
Add Skirt or Pants
Per your design, you can go for skirt patterns to make dresses or pants patterns to make jumpsuits. Bottom patterns can be used as separates as well.
Buy One, Make Many!
Patterns are carefully drafted to be used individually or sewn together to make different designs. For example, you can make a tunic or blouse using a torso pattern, or sew with skirt to make a dress. Skirts and pants can be used as separates or sewn with torso to make dresses, jumpsuits.

Use torso pattern to make blouses, tunics and dresses
Color Codes are important!
Patterns are color coded for easy mix and match. Patterns with same color represents same fabric type and can be sewn together. Patterns with same style but different color cannot be sewn together as they are made for different fabrics.

Please note: Sewing instructions are NOT included in the pattern. One must be an experienced sewer and have basic knowledge of pattern making. Pattern may require minor alteration to fit per body size.
Mix & Match PDF Sewing Pattern is a new feature and I'd love to hear from you for any new design suggestions or feedback. Feel free to reach out to me here.